The Artists Guild Of San Francisco - AGSF
The Artists Guild of San Francisco (AGSF) was founded in 1961 by a group of urban artists who wanted to exhibit their work independently in outdoor sites across the city of San Francisco.
In 1995, the Guild was incorporated as a 501c3 non-profit organization. In the fifty years since its founding, the Artists Guild has developed into a venue that supports professional gallery-quality artists, allowing them to survive and thrive in San Francisco.
The Artists Guild sponsors weekend art exhibitions in San Francisco city parks such as Union Square, Maiden Lane, Huntington Park, and the Music Concourse in Golden Gate Park, in front of the deYoung Art Museum. Other exhibition sites include Washington Square in North Beach, Yerba Buena Gardens, and Marina Green.
The Guild requires that the artist must be present when exhibiting. Only original paintings, sculptures, and limited edition prints created and printed by the artist may be displayed. The Guild does not allow crafts, photographs, or digitized reproductions/photo-mechanical reproductions of artworks.
Our mission is twofold. First, to bring art and artists into the community for public interaction and education; and second, to help artists develop the skills that will permit them to sustain themselves with art as their full-time career.
The Board of Directors
As a 501c3 non-profit organization, the Artists Guild of San Francisco board of directors oversees the financial, legal and strategic direction of the organization.
Robert Armstrong, President
Susan Johnson, Secretary
Marilyn Kuksht, Treasurer
John Petach, AC Chair
Gary Becker
The Artist Committee
The Artists Committee (AC) of the Artists Guild of San Francisco addresses day-to-day working issues, streamlines procedures and implements new processes as issues arise or changes are needed.
John Petach, AC Chair
Artists Guild San Francisco - San Francisco's premier outdoor art gallery, founded in 1961. It showcases incredible talent and celebrating the artists of San Francisco.
© 2025