Now Accepting New Members!
Scroll down to fill out the Application Form
Founded in 1961 the, Artist's Guild of San Francisco is a group of gallery quality artists who personally show their original paintings, sculpture and traditional hand-pulled prints (no giclee or photography) at weekend showings in San Francisco city parks such as Union Square, Maiden Lane, Huntington Park, the Music Concourse in Golden Gate Park - in front of the deYoung Art Museum, Washington Square in North Beach, Yerba Buena Gardens, and the Marina Green.
Exhibiting art in public parks allows the Guild artists to interact directly with the public about their artwork, explaining technical details, creative decisions, and the many other aspects of producing a painting or a sculpture.
The Artists Guild of San Francisco (AGSF) is artist-centered and artist-driven. Our main goal is the success of our members as artists and entrepreneurs. To this end, the AGSF provides the organizational structure and professional guidelines to present and offer your art to the public in a consistent and sophisticated manner at "outdoor gallery" venues.
We only sell gallery-quality original work and hand-pulled prints (no giclee or photography).
If you want the support of fellow artists and to take your art career to an entirely new level, apply now.
The Application Process is Two-Fold
- Initial review of your online application and website. You will be notified within 2 weeks of your online application if you have been approved as an applicant.
- If approved, and you want to proceed, you will be scheduled for an in-person interview. Here you will be expected to present 6-10 original works of art as well as pay a modest $25 jury fee. Your acceptance as a member will be by a majority vote of a 3-5 person selection jury. You will be notified within one week of the results. The Membership Jury meets once per month so the entire application process should be completed within 6 weeks from your online application.
Please feel free to forward any questions or concerns via the “Contact” link.
In order to help you understand what is expected once you become a member of the Guild, we have summarized the following, all of which is found in much further detail in our Handbook and By-Laws.
Basics of AGSF Membership
- You are a local artist living in the San Francisco Bay Area. You have the means to transport your art and display equipment, set up your show at various show locations, and be personally present for day-long shows.
- You produce original fine art of quality and quantity that would allow you to show successfully at AGSF shows on a regular basis. We encourage members of the Guild to show at least once a month. (See Calendar on Show Schedule page of the website for typical show dates and locations. Shows are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and over 40 shows are offered every year.)
- Once accepted, you will be subject to an Initiate period of a maximum of 6 months, and will be asked to do a minimum of ten shows. During this time, you will be able to rent from us show display equipment for the sum of $300. This includes five "A" frames which we use to display our art, an umbrella, a table, a table cloth, a chair, weights, and a hand-truck to transport them with. You will be expected to build or purchase your own standardized equipment thereafter using Guild guidelines.
- You will choose your membership participation level once you complete your "Initiate" period. Annual dues and show fees are determined by your membership level. Different membership levels provide different benefits and commitments in terms of show attendance, show fees, and volunteer hours.
- You must have daily access to email and the internet. All AGSF communication and show information is done online.
- You will be required to have or obtain a California resale number from the State Board of Equalization. https://www.boe.ca.gov/sutax/faqseller.htm
Application Process
- Complete Application (see below)
- Your work will receive a preliminary review. Members will review your application and your artwork on your website. If you don't have a website you can email images after your application is submitted.
- If appropriate, a member will contact you to schedule a face-to-face jury date.
- You'll be asked to bring in a body of 6 to 10 pieces of your original artwork for jury review. The work should be consistent and professional in material and framing. It should be of gallery quality and ready to display.
- – We do not allow the display of photography, giclee, or photo-mechanically generated prints. Only original, hand-pulled prints are allowed.
- Your work should exhibit the following elements:
- It should show originality
- It should have life, energy, and depth
- It must show good technical knowledge, understanding, and execution of your medium
- It must be presented in a professional manner comparable to that displayed in galleries
- Your work should avoid being commercial/market-driven
Artists Guild San Francisco - San Francisco's premier outdoor art gallery, founded in 1961. It showcases incredible talent and celebrating the artists of San Francisco.
© 2025